A 288 lot subdivision on the Pacific Highway, Lake Munmorah, goes to the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel for a public briefing on Monday December 2.
The subdivision has attracted submissions and petitions from the public concerned about traffic issues.
“Adding another 300 plus homes with at more than 300 plus vehicles using Chisholm Ave, Deakin Ave, Kemira Ave, plus the 70 plus homes from Possum, Kangaroo, Wallaby and Kookaburra Streets all trying to get to the shopping centre or turn right from Tall Timbers Rd to exit on to the Pacific Hwy will be total chaos for the whole community,” one submission said.
The developer has had two briefing sessions with the planning panel and briefing notes are on the planning panel website.
This meeting is to brief the public.
Go to the website to register for the 1pm meeting.
The newly elected Central Coast Councillors decided at their first ordinary meeting which two councillors would represent the council on the planning panel.
They are Liberal councillors Rachel Stanton (The Entrance Ward) and Doug Eaton (Budgewoi Ward).