Below is an edited version of the June 28, 2022 ordinary meeting of Council-under-administration – taken from 18 facebook posts I wrote and uploaded that night as the meeting happened. – Merilyn
Rates set for financial year 2022-2023
Administrator adopts the ordinary rates, special rates, and waste management annual charges for the 2022-2023 rating year.
Ordinary rates to increase by one per cent.
He also adopted the operational plan and the budget and the most of fees and charges for the next 12 months and another few are being amended after being out on public exhibition.
The 17 per cent water rates increase was adopted at the previous meeting, held on May 24.
Screenshot shows the fees and charges currently out on public exhibition.
September 1 appeal by Verde Terra
Verde Terra is appealing a court decision.
The appeal is mentioned in a quick update by the council as it notes the Minutes of the Mangrove Mountain and Spencer Advisory Committee meeting held 11 April 2022.
The committee discussed the NSW Land Environment Court matters involving Verde Terra and the EPA, in which judgement was delivered on 25 March 2022.
The members formally moved recognition and appreciation for Council’s effort in defending the proceedings, and Verde Terra’s proposed large regional waste facility development.
Tennis facilities action plan adopted
After being out on public exhibition, the action plan is adopted by the administrator. Here it is:…/OC_28062022_AGN…
Smells to go, black ooze to be capped at San Remo
A reserve adjustment is required to construct a Saltmarsh Swale at San Remo power station outlet.
The water quality within the existing embayment of the lake has been identified as poor and is the source of offensive odours.
Several options were considered to improve water quality for the site and a new saltmarsh swale has been determined to be the preferred option, Council says.
The saltmarsh swale requires reclamation of the lake, an activity requiring Crown Lands approval, which the administrator agrees to.
“The new saltmarsh swale will cap the black ooze, replace the area of poor water circulation with saltmarsh, allow wrack to decompose on the dry bank as the water level in the lake fluctuates, filter pollutants from the upstream developed catchment, and provide habitat for migratory wading birds, juvenile fish, and invertebrates,” the council report states.
Dogs in open space action plan on public exhibition
It’s quite a long community input period: 56 days and it starts on July 1, closes on August 26.
Go here to give feedback:
See background on this here:…/
Planning Proposal for 60 Wyong Road, Tuggerah
The proposal provides for a yield of up to 2,177 homes, including 661 high density and 959 medium density dwellings.
“The proposal will enable increased opportunities for well-located affordable and lower cost housing that will satisfy some of the low-income housing needs of the community,” Council said.
We will hear more about this as it goes through the gateway process.
Wamberal seawall designs on public exhibition
Administrator adopts the report that puts the designs on public exhibition.
The criteria state that the infrastructure is to be located as far landward as possible – to reduce interaction with coastal processes and maximise beach width-, that the asset is to be located wholly on private property where possible, and constructed, owned and maintained by property owners, the seawall is to have the narrowest footprint – to reduce erosion/beach encroachment-, and that the design is to have the least requirement for sand nourishment, both upfront and ongoing.
Have your say here by July 27:
Organisational Structure changes
The administrator approves the title change from Director, Corporate Affairs and CFO to Director, Corporate Services, effective Friday, July 1.
“The recent departure of Ms Natalia Cowley as the Director of Corporate Affairs and CFO presented a natural opportunity to review and refine the structure,” Council said.
The Corporate Affairs and CFO Directorate will go from eight business units to five.
# Manager, Procurement and Project Management – this unit will now be located within the Infrastructure Services Directorate.
# Manager, Economic Development and Property – now moving to the Environment and Planning Directorate.
# Manager, Communication, Marketing and Customer Engagement – now located within the Community and Recreation Services.