If you needed to, could you access or raise $2,000 within two days in an emergency?
And would you ask your neighbours for emotional support or for food or money in an emergency?
Hey, it’s not me asking: Council-under-administration wants to know how you’re feeling.
It has today launched a wellbeing survey.
it wants you to spend 15 minutes filling it in and – trust me – it takes that long.
The above questions are a couple you can expect.
Another one: how confident are you that you are achieving your life goals?
And have you received a charity donation in the last 12 months?
Or, have you helped out with a charity?
Have you seen or experienced any discriminatory attitudes because of race, religion, age, sexuality or gender identity?
How do you define your local area: is it only the street you live in or does it include the entire council area?
Council wants to know what services you use or can’t use; where you walk or don’t walk; how much exercise you do and how many times a week you eat five veggies and two fruits.
Council also wants to know about your sleep and this:
During the past few weeks, how often, if at all, have you experienced positive emotions such as calmness, compassion, forgiveness, contentment and generosity?
And this:
Do I feel there are enough opportunities to have a say on local issues that are important to me?
If you want to check whether I’m making this up or not, go here: https://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com/wellbeing
Council says it wants to establish a baseline of how the community thinks and feels about living on the Central Coast.
“This will allow us to compare future results and highlight the changing needs of our community while finding links to the Community Strategic Plan,” Council said.
The survey is open until May 10.