A development application submitted to Council proposes a new waterfront home at 35 Ocean View Dr, after demolishing the home currently there.
The redevelopment would replace the private seawall facing the beach and the second storey of the new building would exceed the maximum height by 30 per cent in the north western corner..
It would also be partly constructed seaward of the coastal building line with the terrace, pool and spa crossing it.
But the developer argues that the Coastal Building Line does not apply at the site.
While the Central Coast Development Control Plan (DCP) requires that all new development be constructed landward of the coastal building line, the application cites a clause in the DCP “where new development is to be protected by an existing approved seawall or terminal revetment, then standard setbacks will apply for areas landward of that seawall once the seawall has been constructed”.
“Given that the proposed seawall would be constructed immediately prior to the dwelling, terrace, pool, and spa, this Clause can be applied at the site,” the applicant argues.
“The proposed development (dwelling, terrace, pool, spa and seawall) would not preclude the Wamberal Protection Association seawall (as per DA/947/2024) being implemented at adjacent properties and integrating with the seawall proposed as part
of the subject DA.”
The primary dwelling will be fully suspended on reinforced concrete piles founded in the bedrock layer.
“While not required due to the inclusion of the coastal protection structure, the primary dwelling and its foundations will still be founded well below the design scour level and will be capable of resisting coastal erosion events even without the coastal protection structure,” the application states.
Public submissions on the project close on January 13, 2025.