The Southern Hemisphere’s largest network battery will be built at the site of the old Lake Munmorah Power Station.
Treasurer and Minister for Energy Matt Kean said the Waratah Super Battery will act as a “shock absorber” for the electricity grid.
“The Waratah Super Battery will be the biggest network battery anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere, providing at least 700MW of standby network capacity to the grid,” Mr Kean said.
“Lake Munmorah has a long history in energy generation, with the now demolished power station helping to power the State for over 40 years. I’m thrilled that today we are announcing the return of more energy capacity to the area,” he said on Friday, October 14.
“The Waratah Super Battery will drive up to $1 billion in private investment in new energy storage and associated network upgrades, generating more than 100 jobs in the Hunter and Central Coast regions.
“The battery will ensure electricity consumers in Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong have access to more energy from existing generators while new transmission connections are developed.”
The NSW Government announced the Waratah Super Battery after Origin Energy gave notice in February of the proposed closure of Eraring power station in August 2025.
Transgrid has been appointed the network operator.
The project was granted Critical State Significant Infrastructure status earlier this year.
Construction is expected to begin in early 2023, pending approval, and to be completed by mid-2025 in advance of Eraring’s earliest closure date.
The Munmorah Power Station operated for about 50 years, before closing in June 2012.
The site has a total area of approximately 730 hectares.
The potential location of the Waratah Super Battery at Munmorah has an area of approximately 15 hectares and was previously used as the coal stockpile area for
the power station.