March 23, 2020 (extraordinary meeting).
Five councillors away.
Only seven items on the agenda. Everything passed by unanimous vote. Includes a request to State Government to grant 12 month extension on the Local Strategic Planning Statement.
Davistown wetlands purchase deferred as was the economic development plan.
March 9, 2020
Financial results for 2018-19 and auditor’s report noting the significant issues adopted.
A new policy on community halls, sports grounds and other facilities will go on public exhibition.|
DCP and LEP deferred until the Local Strategic Planning Statement is done.
February 24, 2020
Mayor survives vote of no confidence. New arrangements for public entry and all meetings to be held at Wyong from now on due to safety concerns.
Cultural plan adopted.
February 10, 2020
Meeting held at Gosford. Huge crowd to hear The Entrance channel motion from Cr Best and Cr McLachlan. It failed to gain the numbers. A new motion from Cr Holstein was passed.
Granny flat at Palmdale rescission motion (failed).
Meeting Records of the Crown Lands Negotiation Program
Committee held on 23 July 2019 and 19 August 2019 (passed en masse and was confidential).