Organisers were happy when more than 1,000 community members gathered on September 11 to protest against the introduction of a seawall at Wamberal Beach.
The protests comes after two years of ongoing campaigning from Wamberal Beach SOS who received over 2,300 signatures on a petition and 4,000 group members opposed to the seawall.
“The protest was also about drawing attention to the DA (development application) system being an ineffective mechanism for erosion response,” the group said.
“It bypasses key consultation, study’s and reports that are essential to ensuring the best possible outcome for the beach, community and homeowners. So today was about trying to see the response changed.
“It’s also important to note that, come March election, this issue is going to be at the forefront of voters minds. We hope that today makes that clear to Mr Crouch (Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch).
This protest was about drawing a “line in the sand.”
This day is all about the Wamberal community getting a say in the future of their beach, the group said.
See previous story here:
As any one thought of getting the sea going dredge to dredge of shore and put the sand back liked they did in Queensland to the Gold Coast beaches for the commonwealth games
It could go up the coast and repair all beaches with rocks in front of them
Paid for many both state and federal Gove
We have the best beaches in the world and are not smart enough to fix them we will leave our kids with a coast line of rocks
All get the sand from Frazer island and bring it back
If the American can take it from Newcastle Stockton beach and take it to Hawaii
Surly we can get sand from some to repair our beaches