Jane Smith, lead candidate
Q1/ financial experience
Committee member and /or managed a number of community and not-for-profit
organisations including budgets, grants and project management.
Board member of Statutory Authority (2010-2013) – Hunter Central Rivers
Catchment Management Authority, with oversight of budget.
Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors – Company Directors Course
Councillor (2017-2020) including training provided by Local Government NSW
Q2/ work experience
Teacher for over 30 years. Prior to that worked in IT.
Also involved in community and not-for-profit organisations including as manager /
CEO or Board member.
Involvement with local government for over 20 years. Served on a number of Council
committees in former Gosford LGA and Wyong LGAs. Served as a Councillor, and
Mayor, of Central Coast Council.
Q3/ community activism or involvement
Founding member and former CEO of Community Environment Network – in that role
have worked with and supported many community groups on the Central Coast on local
issues – including planning, environmental protection, climate change, biodiversity
Have also been involved in NSW wide programs and organisations – including
conservation and citizen science initiatives
Founding member of Terrigal Area Residents Association
Involved with Education Networks – at NSW State and local level
Founding Board Member of Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre
4/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
Protection and expansion of COSS (Coastal Open Space System)
Concerned about current proposal for Wamberal Seawall – would like to see review of
options and investigation of recent ideas put forward by local experts
Support retention of Gosford Bowling Club
Support strong protection of Porters Creek Wetland
Concerned about impact of ash dams in northern end of Central Coast – and want to see
action on this
Mangrove Mountain Landfill – issue is still not over – need to look at future of that site
and risks to water catchment
5/ Why should I vote for you?
I have been active and involved with local communities on the Central Coast for the past 30
years. I believe that local government is important to people’s everyday lives – even when
they don’t realise it. I also think that we can do democracy better – with Councillors more
engaged with local communities and consulting on local priorities.
I have been a “Council watcher” for over 24 years, and have served on Council – so I have a
good understanding of how things should work and how they don’t work. The experience of
being on Council has provided valuable lessons that are important for the next term of
Many points that I support. Here are 3:
1/ A1 “Work within our communities to connect people, build capacity and create local solutions
and initiatives.” – Strongly believe in Council being more engaged with communities, building
community capacity and supporting local initiatives where there is the ability to do so.
2/ C4 “Promote and grow tourism that celebrates the natural and cultural assets of the Central Coast in a way that is accessible, sustainable and eco-friendly.” – Central Coast has amazing natural assets and an opportunity to lead in environmentally sustainable tourism.
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support?
Choose three
1/ Somersby and Kariong Catchments Overland Flood Study
2/ Woy Woy foreshore – Public swimming baths and accessibility upgrade
3/ Biodiversity DCP Chapter
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
Not a yes/ no question – need to understand what the budget allocation is for and where
there may be room to reduce the budget. Also believe in a process of participatory budgeting
to engage with local communities about whether they are seeing value being returned for
their rates and “willingness to pay” for the level of service.
Q4/ How would you increase revenue
(Use the operational plan to give three examples)
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
(Using the same operational plan for examples)
1/ Difficult to identify areas to achieve expenditure reductions without fully understanding the
need and nature of the work – particularly the priority for local communities. Also, if funds are
from grants / restricted funds / developer contributions – then may be time sensitive or no
significant saving to General Fund. In some cases it might be to defer the works to a future
budget if not critical for the current financial year.
One area where I think that there may be an ability to defer / reduce expenditure:
ID – 100527 – Council Chamber, Internal Workspace and Public Spaces Renewal –
Wyong Civic Centre – $3,700,000
A balanced view, environment, community and business