A rezoning proposal that would allow additional floor space and height to buildings along The Esplanade at Ettalong Beach between Memorial Ave and Picnic Parade is now open for public comment.
Called a Planning Proposal, the rezoning for 43-46 The Esplanade, Ettalong Beach proposes to:
- Change the building height from 11.5 metres to 17 metres (3 storeys to 5 storeys).
- Changing the floor space ratio from 1:1 to 1.75:1.
Council said the details of the envisaged development scheme indicate a single development on six parcels, (No 43-46 The Esplanade) comprising one level of parking at ground floor behind predominantly commercial areas, and four storeys of residential units in two small towers.
Under the proposed development controls, the development could achieve five storeys in height involving up to 40 residential units and commercial floor space of some 480m² gross floor area.
Vehicle access to 52 car spaces would be provided at the rear access lane and include an at-grade loading bay with a separate access.
Amendments would need to be made to the new Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (2022) and the Development Control Plan (2022).
Central Coast Council says the draft Development Control Plan chapter proposes to guide future development of the land to limit overshadowing of the beach and public open space, allow for view sharing, and provide a transition to lower density residential development.
“(A) draft Voluntary Planning Agreement has also been prepared for the site, which is related to the funding of public domain infrastructure works as a public benefit,” Council said.
“This voluntary contribution is additional to any applicable development contributions.”
The Car Parking Contributions Plan is oversubscribed and is currently not accepting contributions in lieu of car parking, Council said.
“As such, all required car parking spaces will need to be accommodated on the subject site.”
Council resolved in June 2021 to prepare the planning proposal and it went to the State Department of Planning for a gateway determination.
This next step is the community consultation that local community group Residents for Responsible Ettalong Development (RRED) have been waiting for since then.
Council noted that the planning controls for 49 The Esplanade, on the corner of Memorial Ave, will be reviewed as the current controls do not reflect the existing approved development.
“This review will be undertaken under a separate Miscellaneous LEP amendment,” Council said.
The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation will be exhibited between 24 October and 5pm 21 November.
Go to https://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com/ettalongbeachpp
This is Ettalong under seige from developers. If this rezoning goes ahead it will be the end of the village and and the suburb as we know it. There is no infrastructure to support this growing population and the concrete canyons that will replace the open plan of the area will turn it into an undesirable place to live. People want trees and green back yards for their kids not balconies that look over other residents. You can’t live in a view.
It’s time council grew a back bone and stood up to the the greed of developers who don’t have to live with their monstrosities.