The Local Planning Panel meets at 2pm December 8 and the agenda includes a dual occupancy request that pushes the boundaries.
Council has recommended refusal of the request at 132 Paton Street Woy Woy as the development proposes a 242.6m2 variation – which equates to a variation of 30.3% to the standard of 750m2. The site area is 557m2.
27-31 Wyreema Rd, Warnervale
A proposal to build 15 “multi dwellings” at Warnervale also has a Council recommendation to refuse the plan.
The council report lists a number of impacts including noise, overlooking, and overshadowing.
Consent is sought for a two lot subdivision, demolition, additions to the existing house, and construction of 15 semi-detached two-storey homes each with 3-4 bedrooms (see screenshots of the plan and the location).
Council says the proposal’s physical impact on both surrounding development and future occupants is not acceptable.
Multiple objections have been received from 26 submitters.
Council said many were worried about traffic and the design and character of the development.
A previous proposal for 18 homes on the land at 27-31 Wyreema Road was rejected in 2019.
117 The Esplanade, Ettalong Beach
Meanwhile, the council has recommended approval for units at 117 The Esplanade, Ettalong Beach.
The proposed three storey units containing four dwellings, swimming pool, basement car parking goes to the meeting with a recommendation to approve despite variations to the maximum building height and floor space ratio development standards that apply to the site.
“These variations relate to the proposed third storey which contains a communal space/ cleaner and plant room,” Council says.
“As the proposed third storey results in additional overshadowing, privacy and view loss impacts it is recommended to be deleted via conditions of consent….
“In addition, minor amendments to the proposed balconies of Units Two, Three and Four are recommended to provide improved separation distances and screening to adjoining properties to mitigate adverse privacy impacts.
“Subject to the above design changes, it is considered that the proposal will provide an appropriate built form with a high degree of residential amenity for future occupants,” Council says.
33 Athol St, Toukley
And 20 units at 33 Athol Street, Toukley are recommended for approval despite exceeding the maximum permitted height (12m) by 2.271m (an 18.9% variation).
Council says there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify contravening that development standard and that the proposal is in the public interest with 7 Specialist Disability Accommodation units and 2 Affordable Rental Housing units.
A proposal to build 15 “multi dwellings” at Warnervale goes to the Local Planning Panel tomorrow, December 8, with a Council recommendation to refuse the plan.The council report lists a number of impacts including noise, overlooking, and overshadowing.
Consent is sought for a two lot subdivision, demolition, additions to the existing house, and construction of 15 semi-detached two-storey homes each with 3-4 bedrooms (see screenshots of the plan and the location).
Council says the proposal’s physical impact on both surrounding development and future occupants is not acceptable.
Multiple objections have been received from 26 submitters.
Council said many were worried about traffic and the design and character of the development.
A previous proposal for 18 homes on the land at 27-31 Wyreema Road was rejected in 2019.
The minutes of the meeting are usually public the following week.