A North Gosford developer wants to increase numbers while an East Gosford developer asks for a review.
Owners of a boarding house proposed for 222 Henry Parry Drive, North Gosford have asked for an increase in the approval granted a couple of years ago.
Council has received an amended application which shows the room numbers would grow from 18 to 24 with an increase in the number of occupants.
The amendment also asks for an additional storey added to Building 2 at the rear of the site.
Modification to the original consent from a development application in 2019 include external finishes and materials and to the external appearance of the proposed development.
The developer’s application said the modifications would result in a minor increase in the height and floor space of the development.
The original plans of DA/57305/2019/A are not showing up on the council website.
Meanwhile, another proposed boarding house, this time at 14 York St, East Gosford is the subject of a review.
DA 60833/2021 was knocked back by the Local Planning Panel in April.
The Panel said the East Gosford boarding house proposal was “an overdevelopment of the site by virtue of the dimensions of the site and the form and design of the proposed single building”.
“The narrowness of the site, inadequate side setbacks and the development’s height unreasonably exacerbates overshadowing of adjoining sites,” the panel said in one of four reasons for the refusal.
The Development Application sought consent for the demolition of the existing two storey townhouses and the construction of a four storey, 23 room Boarding House including manager’s room, over basement/undercroft parking area.
The applicant has asked for a review of the decision.