1/ financial experience
I have worked for the ANZ bank for 7 years, I am a market stallholder for over 10 years and
have knowledge of running a business including expenditure and revenue. I was treasurer
for 2 years for a non-profit organisation on the Coast.
2/ work experience
I have worked for Government Printing Office, Rabbit Photos, ANZ Bank, Raine & Horne
Real Estate, Erina Reality, Centrelink, Safework, Department of Fair Trading and LEAD
Disability Employment Service.
3/ community activism or involvement
I am a Volunteer at the Ronald McDonald Family Room in Gosford Hospital for the last 11
years doing 1 morning shift each week.
I have been President of the Erina Darts Club.
Secretary 2 years, Treasurer 2 years and Event Co-Ordinator 10 years for the Central Coast
Over 30’s Club.
4/ What current public causes/issues do you agree with?
There are lots of causes and issues but my community’s best interest comes first in
my Ward before my personal opinions. I like to see both sides to an issue both pros and
5/ Why should I vote for you?
A COUNCILLOR is the VOICE for their community and should not have any personal, party or group agenda going into Council. I am the person who is going to ask WHY, WHY, WHY when my community is not getting issues actioned. I will be the voice that will ask Council WHY hasn’t this issue been looked at, WHY hasn’t an impact study been done, WHY hasn’t community safety been looked at etc.
I want the community to tell me what they need and what ideas they have so we can work together to get it done. I will make the Central Coast Council open, honest and transparent but also be accountable for what actions they take.
We also need to be mindful on spending and budgets otherwise we will be no better than the last council who over spent and put us in huge debt.
Also we need to come up with ways to bring money onto the coast not just for the council but for small businesses and the communities.
I’m an open and honest person who is an out of the box thinker and when I see an issue that needs fighting for, I’m on my soapbox. I want to be the VOICE of not just my Ward but for all people on Central Coast no matter who they are.
Questions from the Operational Plan
Q1/ What’s important to you from the Operational plan’s vision and framework?
Choose three
All the points are valid and need addressing so it is hard to pick just 3.
G4 – “ Serve the community by providing great customer experience, value for money and quality services.” – We need the Council to be transparent on spending and need to look at what needs doing now and what can wait till we have more money so we don’t get into more debt.
B2/B4/C2 – (More events, activate spaces, revitalise Gosford Waterfront) we need to utilise Councils facilities for more events and activities on the
Coast but not just for Council revenue but for small businesses to thrive and build unique Communities.
I2/I4/J4 – (concentrating development east of the M1, more housing, transport) We need a balance of different types of housing and affordability, there are too many people on the Coast homeless due to high rental prices and mortgages. We have to plan a new area with all the aspects for transport, sustainability, environment, projected growth for that area.
Q2/ Which upcoming plans already in the pipeline do you support?
1/ Woy Woy Waste Management Facility (both) I feel with a growing population waste management is going to be important for the future.
2/ Davistown Foreshore Cycleway and Flood Barrier – Feasibility Study – As this is in my Ward I have to look at what is best for my community.
3/ Skate Park Renewal Program – Frost Reserve Skate Park, Kincumber – Another Program in my Ward that we been to complete so the younger people in the Ward to have a fun and safe place to play and connect to others alike.
Q3/ Do you support keeping the 2021 ten year special rate variation (rate increase) beyond 2031?
Yes or no? NO
Q4/ How would you increase revenue
1/ DP32 – “Develop and deliver an annual Major Events Program” – I think with more Major and Community Events this will bring more people to the coast.
2/ 100330 – Upgrade of Holiday cabins will give reason to increase cabin fees.
3/ DP292-293 – With high-quality leisure facility a slight increase in pool fees
Q5/ How would you reduce expenditure
1/ Cut the amount of Council Fleet cars
2/ 100315 – Improvement to Central Coast Stadium, what actually needs to be done and can the cost be reduced?
3/ There are many projects they need to be looked at with the manpower in mind to how
many need to be doing that manual work. Eg. Workers just standing around.
What is your view on COSS lands and protecting our ridges and green corridors from development’?